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You Can’t Spell ‘Heart’ Without H-E-R

You Can’t Spell ‘Heart’ Without H-E-R

In addition to essential workers and health care heroes, the coronavirus has shed light on another important, often overlooked population: Moms. Moms have always deserved more than just one day dedicated to them, but if there is a silver lining with Covid-19, it could be that this year, Mother’s Day can be made more meaningful.

Collectively, we can ensure that happens. And it’s not by sending the most expensive gift or the biggest bouquet. We can assign meaning to Mother’s Day by broadening our definition of Mom. Beyond working moms, stay-at-home moms, step-moms and grandmas, there are stand-in moms—aunts, sisters, friends—that are beautifully maternal in spite of any official parental status. There are women that have chosen not to be a mom. There are women that want nothing more to be one. We can absolutely appreciate them all. The beauty of taking a widened view about Mother's Day is that it actually focuses the idea that, while individual circumstances differ, this year, we all need the same thing.  

Mother’s Day has always been choc-full of gifts that easily read the minds of what women want. But if we could read her heart, we’d see that at the top of her list this year is a connection with us. To be seen. To feel a sense of togetherness (another perfect word you can't spell without h-e-r.) 

So whether through a virtual gathering, a call, a letter, or a prayer, make Mother’s Day more meaningful this year by turning your presence in to light

In turn, you will illuminate her mood

And with that simple gesture, you give her the ultimate gift: yourself. 



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