Black Friday may commence the season of shopping, but today, we’d like to kick off the season of sharing.
Oprah owns the “Favorite Things” category, but many others offer up personal takes on the topic too: “Favorite Things” has a Facebook account (with 170K likes), an Etsy category (with 3,600 results) and countless websites and personal blogs dedicated to the sharing of fun finds, sentimental products and all around great-gifts. As a trend, “Favorite Things” percolates this time of year and we. are. here. for. it!
See, we’ve got a thing for gift giving. Before Lifetherapy, our founder Lynette Lovelace was an accomplished restaurateur, luxury boutique owner, and gifted retail strategist. But lucky for us – and you – she didn’t abandon those skills when she changed professions. No—our lovely Lynette carried them over and permeates Lifetherapy with the thoughtfulness she was highly sought-out for.
We’ll share Favorite Things content intermittently on Seven Minutes in the Morning. Today’s topic: Beauty and Wellbeing!
Honest Hazel Eye Gels: Because we don’t know anyone (no, really) that couldn’t use a product that helps them fake the look of getting full eight hours. We love their ethos too: the honest approach to beauty, life, and business is all the same. Do good and be good to others. Encouraging others to live their life Beautifully Honest, every day in everything we do. Now that’s something we can *honestly* get behind. Check them out here
Choose Your Mood Merch: It’s Lifetherapy’s credo and completely perfect in sum and substance. Remind yourself of it when you’re getting dressed, pour your morning coffee, or while you’re on the go. Better yet, the Choose Your Mood makeup pouch is in partnership with MADE BY FREE WOMEN, Every purchase supports freedom for you women from slavery and poverty through a self-sustaining job.
Well-Kept Cloths: Which work at our favorite intersection, where beauty meets tech. Well Kept’s Screen Cleansing Towelettes can be used on cell phones and a variety of personal electronics and lenses to keep skin more clear with a clean screen. (And you know it was a woman who created this genius invention!) learn more about Well-Kept by clicking here.
Oh – and you. You’re our favorite thing, too.
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