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What You Need Right Now...

What You Need Right Now... a host of uplifting messages. 

Among the influx of Coronavirus-related emails from businesses, schools and government, we received a decidedly different kind of email from a friend, with a fantastic idea: an uplifting email exchange. Who couldn't benefit from receiving repeated inspiration right now? We're in, and we hope you are, too. 

There are only two emails to send, and you only have to do it once. In return, you'll receive tens of inspirational emails back - from other women, just like you - experiencing uncertainty but determined to find the light and meaning during this time. Here's how it works: 

Send a poem/quote/thought to the person whose name is in position 1 below (and only that person, even if you don't know her). It should be a favorite text/verse/meditation that has had an impact on you. Don't agonize over it.

  1. Lynette Lovelace 
  2. Stephanie Gerard

After you’ve sent the short poem/verse/quote to the person in position #1, copy this letter into a new email. In the text, move the email in position #2 to position #1, and put your name in position #2.
Send the email to yourself and BCC (blind copy) 20 women you admire. 

It's fun to see where emails come from and what they say. Seldom does anyone drop out because we all need encouragement! The turnaround is fast, as there are only two names on the list, and you only have to do it once. Hope you enjoy and are inspired.

🖤- Lifetherapy

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