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Women Founders Rock | Neeley Kolsch, Well-Kept #WOMENROCK

Women Founders Rock | Neeley Kolsch, Well-Kept #WOMENROCK

Our next Women Founders Rock, Neeley Kolsch (founder and CEO of Well-Kept Wipes), built her company after noticing that at her previous job, she was glued to the phone so much that she started to develop blemishes on the side of her face. Realizing there was a hole in the market for chic, functional, and affordable products to clean devices, Neeley created Well-Kept and never looked back.

Get to know why it's important to her support women world-wide.

Neeley Kolsch | CEO, Well-Kept

Tell us something impactful about being a female founder?

I'm very proud to be a female founder. My corporate background is in a very male dominated industry and I have found you constantly need to prove yourself to be taken seriously. There isn't much space for personal care talk which actually makes you a more well rounded business person. To me, there is so much freedom in being the woman founder behind our brand. While my goal is to be as strategic as possible by doing research, watching trending and profits etc... I also feel that being a woman there is an element of using emotion and going with your "gut". Leading with femininity can be an intangible superpower that provides beautiful and mindful results.

Tell us why you are devoted to helping women through your business?

I love helping women because they always help me! There is a tribe mentality with fellow girl bosses. Celebrating other women is like a business endorphin.

Talk to us about working with women and why supporting women is so important?

I see so much positivity when we let our guards down and start giving more than we take. The truth is we really NEED each other to grow and learn. It's also very rewarding to empower women because those impacts tend to trickle down to families and generations.

How do you/does your organization support working women?

We have several giving back designs in our collection. Our first design is called The Karogoto- this helps fund Business Start-Up education in Kenya. We also have a design called The Lady- this is a partnership with, a portion of the proceeds give back to fight against human trafficking and promote healing and restoration.

Learn more about Neeley and Well-Kept products at

Follow @staywellkept on Instagram

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