
Day 5: Lifetherapy Celebrates Women in March 2016

Day 5: Lifetherapy Celebrates Women in March 2016

celebrate women

Day 5

We are well on our way to counting up to International Women's Day, March 8th. We hope you are finding these simple reminders encouraging. So far, we’ve talked about:

  1. Make a decision to be a source of hope
  2. Mentor and support other women
  3. Share your experiences
  4. Always keep growing

Today might be one of our favorite ways to empower women. Be intentional about celebrating your friendships with the important women in your life. Today is Saturday, which is the perfect amount of time to plan a lunch or dinner for next Tuesday with your go-to girlfriends.

Make Plans to Celebrate

Think of those important women who have come alongside you this past year and how you can express all they mean to you. Maybe that’s with a special gift, a planned dinner out, or a bottle of wine (you know her favorite kind… or hard apple cider, whichever works!).

Those are wonderful ways. You can also think personal and cozy. Women like to gather, talk, eat and share lives… so maybe a good old-fashioned Friendship Potluck might be in order. Themes can include Memory Lane – bring a dish you and your mom/sisters used to make, Last Meal – bring a dish that starts with the first letter of your last name, or Breakfast for Dinner – bring a breakfast dish and recall sleepover horrors and triumphs.   Anyone remember being the first to fall asleep only to find your bra in the freezer?

And then there is Ashton Kutcher with this remarkable quote, “The power of a handwritten letter is greater than ever. It's personal and deliberate and means more than an e-mail or text ever will. It has a unique scent. It requires deciphering. But, most important, it's flawed.”

Maybe the most profound thing you can do is simply to write her a note. The lost art of quiet reflection jotted down with real office supplies in the midst of endless digital bombardment might just be the most memorable of efforts.

However you choose to celebrate the women in your life, think about it today! Come up with a plan. Reach out. Be available. Show your intentions to those women who mean the world to you.

p.s. choose your MOOD!

international womens day

Mar 06, 2016

This was so timely and beautifully written Lynnette! I have recently been thinking of how much I have let my friendships slide with all the craziness life holds. There is never enough time to fit everything in. Over the last few months I have felt an ache and emptiness and have decided that it’s my girlfriends that I ache and miss! So thank you for writing this. Before I even read this I had connected with 3 women who were and are important in my life earlier today. It had been too long since I had spoken with them. I am going to sit down and write a couple of letters and even though we don’t personally connect often (I hate to say I"m not a facebooker!) I do occasionally see something of yours and I am excited for your personal success! I hope to make the next reunion and reconnect with all those wonderful women from my younger years!

Rene Riedlinger (Mentzer)

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