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Lifetherapy Founder Lynette Lovelace can be Inspiring

Lynette Lovelace

Yes, it’s true. We here in the Chicago office have known this for quite some time. And we’re ready to spill the beans and tell all. Here’s how the whole story really began…

The Start

It was 2009, and the world had crashed. People were in a massive panic mode. It was hard for any of us to find our happy place. In the midst of such a dismal time, Lynette launched a lifestyle brand based on positivity. Okay, that much is great and truly a testament of her character. 

But, still there’s more to know about Lynette. She’s not into run of the mill concepts, so she contacted the cutting edge industry expert with a global background to craft her proprietary fragrances and formulations. He was a really big deal.

He loved her vibrant personality immediately and was thrilled to be working with such a fireball stylish woman. And then…

Renowned Chemist

He encountered her dogged determination. He had worked with the best in the beauty industry. He had never, however, met anyone with this level of desired excellence. And, it challenged him.

After an involved year of working and reworking her formulations and proprietary fragrances, he realized only sheer exuberance would cut it. Specifically, when working with her body wash formulation, he remembered spending hours in his lab waiting for her verdict.

Her Edge

“This is good… but I want superior! I want a formulation no one can surpass. How can we improve it to make our hands feel even more hydrated and softer? I’m really looking for silky hands. I need more hydration in this body wash. I need it have ALL of the best ingredients!”

You see, good is good for good innovators. Lynette, however, doesn’t really do “good.” She lives in a world of great, fabulous, superb, and amazing. This pushed even this world-renowned chemist to dig deep and pull out something extraordinary.

He dared to dream with her and found a way to achieve the hydration she was after. He used a special humectant and added more of all the high-end ingredients in one formulation. The result was a proprietary blend of top-notch organic ingredients that was second to none, which included a prized natural humectant to condition and hydrate and the right balance of Vitamin E to improve skin texture and tone.

And this time, she returned from the sink a smiling Lynette. Lynette was pleased… finally. And with that he rediscovered her vibrant wonderful self, a wonderful self who then gleefully forged a lifetime partnership with her amazing chemist.

Choose Your Mood

Well, maybe she’s not so annoying after all. Maybe what we see is her character in action when she’s creating something for you. She takes this innovation thing very seriously. Her passion causes her to push past all obstacles and deliver quality you can effortlessly enjoy.

Next time you’re trying to achieve a really big goal, choose to be determined.  Along the process you will inspire others and it allows them to co-create your vision. You empower others to dig deep and find their own greatness, like our very own famous chemist did. In the end, your determination will produce something incredibly worthwhile. Go out and accomplish great things today!

Can you think of a time when you were wild-eyed crazy driven to achieve something? Please tell us about it. We’d love to hear from you!

Feb 24, 2016

Lynette and I have been friends since we were kids, were roommates in college and have known each others families before we ever met our husbands or had children. She even introduced me to husband! I completely agree with everything everyone has said here and know that she has always been attracted to quality. She has always been the kind of friend that goes above and beyond to make you feel loved, appreciated and pampered. Does it surprise me that she takes that same care in creating something for all of her customers? Absolutely NOT! I know she doesn’t just think of them as customers, but as friends that she wants to share her love with. She does hold herself to a high standard because she wants the best for all those she cares for. I am so proud of you, Lyn! You have found your passion and brought all of your gifts to the table to play big in your life and created something amazing! You have always been one of the very best gifts in my life. I love you! XO

Chris Suva
Feb 24, 2016
I feel lucky to be able to call lynette a dear friend. Lynette is the kind of person that will bend over backwards to help, Or to listen. You can feel all of that love and attention in each one of her fragrances . That is why I am not surprised that people fall head over heels in love with them! The hardest part is just choosing one !!! Congratulations Lynette!
Carla cooper
Feb 24, 2016

Love this “story”!! I met Lynette 5 years ago because our daughters became friends their first year of high school. I instantly knew I found a life long friend in Lynette! Her steadfast dedication to her family spoke to my heart. She’s definitely a woman who can juggle it all and do it all well…make that “fabulous”, “superb”, “amazing”! So it is no surprise that she might be a tiny bit “annoying” because anything worth doing, is worth doing well to Lynette! Congrats on the success that you are, Lynette! Love you.

Kristen Karthan
Feb 24, 2016

I’d like to add to Lynette’s story! I knew her long before Lifetherapy. You see, what makes her so successful is that before she was a business woman, she was a mother and a friend. She excelled and still does top the charts in both of those categories. Lynette was always confident and loved life. She was Life Therapy to so many friends even before Lifetherapy was invented. I love you Lynette and thank you for being YOU.

Michele Mele

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