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Can We Talk Honestly?

Can We Talk Honestly?


Can we talk honestly for a moment?

The month of March has flown by. We started with our empowering women series. Once again, thank you for following along! Little did we know, however, that those eight ways would become more than feel good segments. They stretched us and made us think about you in a new way.

Here is a quick recap:

  1. Make a decision to be a source of hope
  2. Mentor and support other women
  3. Share your experiences
  4. Keep growing
  5. Make plans to celebrate the women in your life
  6. Partner with change agents who impact women
  7. Honor the women barrier breakers and all the progress
  8. Take care of YOU

A Safe Place for All of Us

Considering those eight ways… really considering them… led to some interesting discussions around the office. And the truth is we want to be a different kind of beauty brand. We want to be women partners, women friends, even women champions with you in everyday life. Creating an open journal, a safe place where we can gather around the challenges and victories of life surfaced as a high priority for us. We’re working on our plan. So stay tuned!

We will always be driven to provide the highest quality products that create a sense of well-being through fragrance and color. We just want to add more to that experience. Choose your mood is more than a tagline; it’s our brand philosophy.

March is a month of celebrating green, St. Patrick's day with good luck, growth and renewal. As we think about the growth and renewal part, Lifetherapy has had a fair amount of success. We launched on the beauty floor of Henri Bendel in NYC, were featured in O, the Oprah magazine, and picked up by “Good Morning, America.”

And yet, we feel it’s time to grow, time for some new adventures and time to step it up, which brings us back to you. In the coming months, we will be announcing some exciting news.

So, we’ve got the growth and renewal part down for March! And in a few days we'll celebrate St. Patrick's Day with the best of them near our dyed GREEN Chicago River! How about you? What are some things that highlighted your month? Please tell us one thing that caused you to grow this month in the comment section. Thanks. We can't wait to read about your growth opportunities!


Mar 15, 2016

My Mom always said that I was a strong woman….. Imagine where and how I became the woman I am today from. Love you Mom
I also would like to purchase a set of the frogs.


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